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  • Uploaded: 2011-09-02 07:08:36.65
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Stuffed Green Tiger

Creator's Description Not all stuffed animals look exactly like their real live counterpart. This little plush tiger is proof of that. I am pretty sure that there has never been a bright green tiger roaming around in the wild or a zoo. In fact a green tiger might just find itself the butt of a lot of jokes. Can you just imagine what the other members of the pride would say? Poor green tigger would be endlessly teased. We at Fuzzy Wuzzy Anipals know that there are people out there that would love to give this unique tiger a good home. They would love it with all their heart and never tease them about their color. This cutie would also add a huge splash of color to any plush animal collection so go on over and order your bright vibes tiger today.


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