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Home > Video Gallery >  Stuffed Chihuahua All White


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  • Uploaded: 2011-09-25 06:09:36.0
  • Using:  PowerDirector 9
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Stuffed Chihuahua All White

Creator's Description This cute little stuffed dog will win your heart. Her name is Daisy and she truly is sweet as a flower. Speaking of flowers, she will never dig up your flower bed (unlike my own real dog). Another great thing about having a stuffed dog is they are very quiet, the neighbors will never know that you have a dog. Yet, you can have buddy to cuddle with each day. In fact this little white dog is soft as ever and absolutely loves being a lap dog. She never makes a mess and travels well. Heck, what's not to love about her? Just visit Fuzzy Wuzzy Anipals website to order up your own stuffed Chihuahua buddy. In case you think Daisy may need a friend so she doesn't get lonely when you're gone…we have lots of stuffed dogs to choose from.


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