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  • Uploaded: 2011-01-12 17:38:04.657
  • Using:  PowerDirector 9
  • Templates Used: 49
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Floating city

Creator's Description

For one of the biggest problems the earth is facing, overpopulation, this movie shows us a possibility for the future. Where will we live if the world has gone over its capacity or when the rising sea level floods our land? We will live on or maybe even under the water. For the concept of floating cities, is already quit some research done. In this movie we will give you our perspective of living on water and describe hoe we would deal with certain aspects when living on water. How to supply the city with its own energy, food, jobs and transportation? This project was carried out for the HZ university of applied sciences in Vlissingen, in its fourth year program, january 2011. Stefan Bertram Hayo Castel Steven Peels Kristel Sijbers Bas Spekhorst


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