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Home > Video Gallery >  Cee Lo Green - F**k You (Cover)
Christophe Larouche

Christophe Larouche

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  • Uploaded: 2011-01-24 00:04:25.243
  • Using:  PowerDirector
  • Templates Used: 1
  • Views: 1863
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Cee Lo Green - F**k You (Cover)

Creator's Description

Hi dear friends and subscribers. Gosh it's been a while. Been busy with the holiday season, but I was missing you much. Sorry if I didn't answer some of your messages. I'll try to be more on the ball. Loved Cee Lo Green from Gnarls Barkley but gosh, the Lady Killer album totally killed me. If you haven't heard it yet, trust me, buy it without hesitation. Hope you'll like this one. Been comfortable recording it, and had fun doing the video. Thanks to my cousin Steph for her help xxoo Next one: Grenade by Bruno Mars. Till then, enjoy this one and share it as much as you can. Yours truly, Caroline/POPDIVA20

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