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Home > Video Gallery >  【HD】 Typical Japanese Breakfast 納豆食おうぜ!
Taro Watanabe

Taro Watanabe

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  • Uploaded: 2011-08-09 16:53:23.99
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【HD】 Typical Japanese Breakfast 納豆食おうぜ!

Creator's Description

So this is Typical Japanese Breakfast. I'd say it's very simple. About natto, you just gatta try and see how you like it (→__→)hehe How do you guys like our traditional breakfast? Is it complicated? simple enough? or disgucting? I don't usually eat natto myself, but sometimes I get so hungry for it! I don't know why...Maybe it's just because I'm Japanese? Do not even kiss your gf/bf after you had natto. It'd be worse than garlic! Oh I've heard Swiss? or Sweden, they have really stinky canned fish food as well. I wonder how stinky it is... Ingredients I used for asari miso soup (serving 2) : 300g asari (short necked clams) : 1 tsp sake : 3 tbsp miso Ingredients for dashi stock : 3 US cup water(700 - 800ml) : Konbu kelp : 10g bonito flakes Other ingredients in this video : Rice : Egg : Natto Today's customer at RUNNY's runnyrunny999's music the

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