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  • Uploaded: 2011-11-26 02:47:04.63
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Tie Dye Organic Toy Chicken

Creator's Description This stuffed chicken is colorful as any stuffed animal could be. That's right, tie dye is not just for t-shirts, nope those bright rainbow colors can also be seen on this toy chicken. Maggie's Organics had taken the psychedelic fad into the farm and put a lil funky back in Funky Chicken. While this plush buddy is soft and sturdy it is also made from reclaimed cotton and polyester from the excess of mills. Now anyone that may want to have a farm full of stuffed animals doesn't have to settle for the plain old brown or white chicken. They can have the rainbow sitting right in their barn come rain or shine. Go ahead over to to see this cool tie dye chicken and some other stuffed chickens that are a bit more realistic. You can have a farm full of plushies in no time.


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