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video Fiesta on wheels

video Fiesta on wheels

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  • Uploaded: 2011-12-05 20:50:56.773
  • Using:  PowerDirector 8
  • Templates Used: 1
  • Views: 3037
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video game party van nuys

Creator's Description

Http:// goes to your door, park, church, or wherever your party it's held. If your celebration is at home, or any place that has electrical access, we just need 2 outlets of 120v and 20amps dedicated to connect our electrical cords. A fee for gasoline use can be applied if needed it for generator in case of no electrical access. Parking space needed: 30 to 40 feet or 4 cars' space long. If you book in advance, you can save on our promotional prices , call us 888 886-8785

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