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Home > Video Gallery >  Jocelyn Brown - In the middle
MR d1981

MR d1981

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  • Uploaded: 2012-01-09 19:35:15.42
  • Using:  PowerDirector 8
  • Templates Used: 15
  • Views: 2960
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Jocelyn Brown - In the middle

Creator's Description

These people keep coming up with the goodies i bought this in december and cant stop playing it ive loved this ladie since hearing A GIRLS AFFAIR and ANGEL IN Y POCKET. JOCEYLYN BROWN is one of music rare gems and in my humble oppinion an icon who has been in the biz and managed to keep going with thos e powerful vocals NUFF respect to her.I people go out in there thousands and buy this DJ please play this one to death . CW DEVENDO 1981


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