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  • Uploaded: 2012-01-21 18:52:51.427
  • Using:  PowerDirector 10
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2012-01-07 BigSurCoastline

Creator's Description

HIstory of Piedras Blancas Elephant Seals It all began on November 25, 1990 when fewer than two dozen elephant seals were counted in the small cove just south of the Piedras Blancas lighthouse. Spring of 1991 brought almost 400 seals to molt. In January of 1992 the first birth occurred. The colony grew at a phenomenal rate. In 1993, about 50 pups were born. In 1995, 600 pups were born. The population explosion was underway. By 1996 the number of pups born soared to almost 1000 and the colony stretched all the way to the beaches that run along the Coast Highway. And of course the Big Sur Coastline is one of the most scenic highways in the world. These videos were taken on January 7, 2012 as I drove to Monterey to visit my brother. Music is from, specifically Author: Rawrthaas "Awake - Wish I Were Home"


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