Adjustment parameters for this photo
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Adjustment Parameter
Here you may check the adjustment controls and parameter settings applied on the above image. You may download this adjustment preset and simply apply to your photo/video, or further tweak adjustment values in PhotoDirector/ColorDirector.
- true true Color Treatment
- Color
- true true As shot (default) White Balance: As shot (default)
- Temperturetrue-1001000
- Tinttrue-1001000
- true true Tone
- Tone
- Exposurefalse-440
- Contrastfalse-1001000
- Brightesttrue
- Brightfalse01000
- Midtonefalse-1001004
- Darkfalse0100-4
- Darkestfalse0100-30
- Tinge
- Clarityfalse-1001000
- Vibrancefalse-1001000
- Saturationfalse-1001000
false - false true HDR Effect
- Glow
- Strengthtrue
- Radiustrue
- Balancetrue
- Edge
- Strengthtrue
- Radiustrue
- Balancetrue
- true true Level
- Level Preset:falseStandard
- true true Curve
- Tonal Region
- Highlightsfalse-1001000
- Lightsfalse-1001000
- Darksfalse-1001000
- Shadowsfalse-1001000
- Tonal Region
- Highlights
- Lights
- Darks
- Shadows
- Tonal Region
- Highlights
- Lights
- Darks
- Shadows
- Tonal Region
- Highlights
- Lights
- Darks
- Shadows
- true true HSL & Color
- Hue
- Redfalse-1001000
- Orangefalse-1001000
- Yellowfalse-1001000
- Greenfalse-1001000
- Aquafalse-1001000
- Bluefalse-1001000
- Purplefalse-1001000
- Magentafalse-1001000
- Saturation
- Redfalse-1001000
- Orangefalse-1001000
- Yellowfalse-1001000
- Greenfalse-1001000
- Aquafalse-1001000
- Bluefalse-1001000
- Purplefalse-1001000
- Magentafalse-1001000
- Lightness
- Redfalse-1001000
- Orangefalse-1001000
- Yellowfalse-1001000
- Greenfalse-1001000
- Aquafalse-1001000
- Bluefalse-1001000
- Purplefalse-1001000
- Magentafalse-1001000
- true false Black & White
- Lightness
- Redfalse-1001000
- Orangefalse-1001000
- Yellowfalse-1001000
- Greenfalse-1001000
- Aquafalse-1001000
- Bluefalse-1001000
- Purplefalse-1001000
- Magentafalse-1001000
- false true Split Toning
- Highlights  
- Hue true
- Saturation true
- Balance true
- Shadows  
- Hue true
- Saturation true
- true true Detail
- Sharpness
- Amountfalse01000
- Radiusfalse162.0
- Edge Maskfalse01000.0
- Noise Reduction
- Luminancefalse01000
- Detailfalse010050
- Texturetrue
- Colorfalse01000
- Detailfalse010050
000 - true true Lens Correction
- Auto Lens Correction
- Maker:
- Lens:
- Profile:
- Keystone
- Verticalfalse-1001000
- Horizontalfalse-1001000
- Fisheye Distortion
- Distortionfalse-1001000
- Chromatic Aberration
- Blue/Yellowtrue
- Red/Cyantrue
- Vignette Removal
- Amountfalse-1001000
- Midpointfalse010050
- Vignetting Effect
- Shadefalse-1001000
- Sizefalse010050
- Roundnessfalse-1001000
- Featherfalse010050
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